Get Involved


There are many ways to get connected in our UGMC community. For more information on these programs, please read on or visit our Contact Page to get in touch with the appropriate program contact. Our Pastor is always happy to answer any questions you may have.

Other Ways to Help!

Change for Change
  • Please leave any of your loose change in the offering plate!
  • This money supports the local food bank and the local Veterans Center
Union Grove Food Bank

There is always a a need for non-perishable food items and paper and cleaning supplies.  Lists of needed items are in the bulletin each week.

  • Items can be donated by placing them in the basket by the church entrance.
  • Monetary donations via check to UGMC with “UG Food Bank” noted in the memo section are also welcome.
  • If you know of a family in need, be sure to talk to our Pastor so help can be provided